Agnes (Conlin) Gregoire: Styleshow

December 9, 2017

As modern American style becomes increasingly casual, it is fun to reflect on the style of generations before us. Agnes Gregoire was always impeccably dressed, whether she was out on a lunch date or headed to a Hospital Auxilary meeting. This slide-show is a little peek into her unique fashion. (And how about that stylish pink and white outfit that Bumps (Marvin) is sporting?) I hope you enjoy this blast from the past…

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    1. This was fun to see. I’m all for casual and comfortable now….but remember when we “dressed” to go out just about anywhere. Sometimes I miss that, but mostly when I see young women in their PJ’s out shopping!

    1. I stumbled onto this late at night, I will get back to you soon. I am Dan Gregoire’s daughter. I believe you are Marvin’s granddaughter. I just wanted to touch base for now.

      1. The great-grand child in the four generations picture is Virgil’s oldest son Dennis.

      1. Hi Lisa, Yes I am Marvin’s granddaughter. Thanks for reaching out. I would love to touch base. I have done a lot of work on the Gregoire lines of our family tree and would enjoy any input or photos you want to add!

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